Disciplinary Process


This is an overview of the formal disciplinary process. To begin the process the Board refers case to the Office of Attorney General. At this point Case is reviewed by a Deputy Attorney General (DAG). They will decide if the case is substantiated or not. To begin the overview please go through the process below starting with if the DAG found your case substantiated.

[solver solved="Disciplinary Process Finished" unsolved="Go back to start" link="/disciplinary-process/" ] [question_l1 question="Case Substantiated?"] [option_l1 option="Yes"] [question_l2 question="Pleading is prepared and forwarded to Board to serve upon respondent"] [option_l2 option="Next"] [question_l3 question="Respondent requests hearing?"] [option_l3 option="Yes"] [question_l4 question="DAG offers stipulated agreement"] [option_l4 option="Next"] [question_l5 question="Respondent accepts offer?"] [option_l5 option="Yes"] [question_l6 question="Stipulated agreement is forwarded to Board for vote"] [option_l6 option="Next"] [question_l7 question="Decision adopted?"] [option_l7 option="Yes" answer="Decision becomes final"] [/option_l7] [option_l7 option="No"] [question_l8 question="DAG requests case be set for an administrative hearing -> Hearing is conducted by administrative law judge (ALJ) -> ALJ issues proposed decision to Board for vote"] [option_l8 option="Next"] [question_l9 question="Decision adopted?"] [option_l9 option="Yes" answer="Decision becomes final"] [/option_l9] [option_l9 option="No" answer="Court transcripts, evidence, and written argument are reviewed by Board - OR - Board remands case back to ALJ to obtain additional evidence & re-issue decision. After either of these options the Board makes final decision"] [/option_l9] [/question_l9] [/option_l8] [/question_l8] [/option_l7] [/question_l7] [/option_l6] [/question_l6] [/option_l5] [option_l5 option="No"] [question_l6 question="DAG requests case be set for an administrative hearing -> Hearing is conducted by administrative law judge (ALJ) -> ALJ issues proposed decision to Board for vote"] [option_l6 option="Next"] [question_l7 question="Decision adopted?"] [option_l7 option="Yes" answer="Decision becomes final"] [/option_l7] [option_l7 option="No" answer="Court transcripts, evidence, and written argument are reviewed by Board - OR - Board remands case back to ALJ to obtain additional evidence & re-issue decision. After either of these options the Board makes final decision"] [/option_l7] [/question_l7] [/option_l6] [/question_l6] [/option_l5] [/question_l5] [/option_l4] [/question_l4] [/option_l3] [option_l3 option="No"] [question_l4 question="Default decision prepared and forwarded to Board for vote"] [option_l4 option="Next"] [question_l5 question="Decision adopted?"] [option_l5 option="Yes" answer="Decision becomes final"] [/option_l5] [option_l5 option="No" answer="Case is reviewed by a Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Restart your process"] [/option_l5] [/question_l5] [/option_l4] [/question_l4] [/option_l3] [/question_l3] [/option_l2] [/question_l2] [/option_l1] [option_l1 option="No"] [question_l2 question="Case is returned back to the Board to obtain additional information / documentation"] [option_l2 option="Next"] [question_l3 question="Requested information / documentation obtained?"] [option_l3 option="Yes" answer="Case is reviewed by a Deputy Attorney General (DAG) - Start at the beginning of the process"] [/option_l3] [option_l3 option="No" answer="Case is closed"] [/option_l3] [/question_l3] [/option_l2] [/question_l2] [/option_l1] [/question_l1] [/solver]