General-Stock to Professional Corporation Conversion Process
Simas & Associates, Ltd. has assisted physical therapists successfully convert their General-Stock Corporation to a Professional Corporation.
Simas & Associates, Ltd. has assisted physical therapists successfully convert their General-Stock Corporation to a Professional Corporation.
Learn about the Who, What, When, Where, and How of Registering Professional Corporations.
This Blog addressed state relief, benefits available to small businesses, and Governor Gavin Newsom’s actions impacting health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tax Benefits Relief for Business Taxpayers Governor Gavin Newsom signed executive order N-40-20[1] granting additional relief for business taxpayers. Small businesses now have until July 31, 2020 Read more…
This Blog addresses federal relief and benefits available to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families First Coronavirus Response Act[1] On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“Act”) was signed into law and requires certain employers to provide employees with paid sick leave or expanded family Read more…
Becoming an engineer takes an extreme amount of time, hard work and intellect. Don’t let that all disappear with a disciplinary action. There are 4 big buckets of potential consequences of an engineering disciplinary action. Reputation This may be obvious but it is more important to some than others. Due Read more…
Heather Hoganson, Of Counsel, recently presented at Sacramento County Public Law Library on the nuts and bolts of rulemaking. Along with the Honorable Stephen J. Smith, she helped state employees understand how to draft and implement, or repeal, regulations related to their work. We want to share some of that Read more…
California Labor Code, section 511 (as amended in 2009) and most of the current Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) orders provide for alternative workweek schedules. An alternative workweek schedule (AWS) means any regularly scheduled workweek requiring an employee to work more than eight hours in a 24-hour period. An alternative work Read more…
“The following is an example of how Simas & Associates, Ltd. collaborates with lawyers to achieve our clients’ goals. We do not practice family law, however, we gladly offer high-quality family law referrals to our clients if need be.” – Steven L. Simas If you live in a state with Read more…
In a nine-page recommendation issued last week, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Curtis Karnow said that although factual details of each of the fires may vary, the lawsuits filed against PG&E in wake of the "Northern California Firestorm" share legal issues making it necessary to organize them in one court, avoiding Read more…
As the year comes to a close, here is a helpful reminder for you as a professional or business owner. Did You File Your Statement of Information Yet? California law requires all corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs) and common interest development associations to update the records of the California Secretary Read more…