General-Stock to Professional Corporation Conversion Process
Simas & Associates, Ltd. has assisted physical therapists successfully convert their General-Stock Corporation to a Professional Corporation.
Simas & Associates, Ltd. has assisted physical therapists successfully convert their General-Stock Corporation to a Professional Corporation.
When faced with the conundrum of whether a physical therapist can be classified as an exempt employee in California, employers should consult legal counsel for this complicated case-by-case analysis.
Learn about the Who, What, When, Where, and How of Registering Professional Corporations.
Most physical therapists will hopefully never need the information in this article. But even a successful, kind, caring, and skilled practitioner sometimes cannot avoid the dreaded Physical Therapy Board complaint or investigation. In talking to hundreds of health care providers, including physical therapists, over the years, the most surprising issue Read more…
This article will explore the use of imaging by California physical therapists. With the passing of AB 1000 allowing “direct access” to California physical therapists in 2014, and technological advances in all types of imaging, physical therapy and imaging seem to be a match made in heaven. In fact, the Read more…
One of Simas & Associates, Ltd.'s main areas of practice involves representing clients with health care or professional licenses who are under investigation. In June 2017, Simas & Associates achieved a personal record in closing seven different investigations within a week's period. As described below, the majority of these cases Read more…
On October 8 and 9, 2016, Steven L. Simas, founder and owner of Simas & Associates, Ltd. spoke at the 2016 Annual Conference for the California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA). The conference was held at the Santa Clara Convention Center and had over several hundred physical therapists in attendance. This year’s conference featured Read more…
On January 1, 2014, AB 1000 went into effect. The Direct Access bill provided, among other things, authorization for a patient to directly access physical therapy services up to 45 days or 12 visits before requiring a physician to approve the plan of care for the patient. The physical therapy Read more…