Did You Know … Medical Board of California Administrative Actions, 2010-2011

For the 2010-2011 fiscal year, Medical Board of California administrative actions:

  • There were a total of 317 administrative actions taken against physicians and surgeons. The highest amount of actions resulted from gross negligence/incompetence. Out of the 125 actions, 70 of them resulted in public reprimand. Four resulted
    in revocation of their license.
  • The second highest number of actions, 58, was with regard to unprofessional conduct. With less than half of the amount of actions taken in this discipline, five of them resulted in revocation of license. 23 of the actions resulted in probationary license issued. Unprofessional conduct was the only discipline type that received probationary license issued.
  • The fewest actions were taken with regard to unlicensed activity. There were only two actions taken that placed an individual on probation and one with public reprimand.
  • The most common action taken by administrative outcomes was public reprimand with a total of 108 out of the 317 actions taken. However, compared with the fiscal year of 2009/2010, the amount of public reprimand has decreased by 8 and the amount of revocation has increased by 4 with a total of 38.