Guidelines for Initial Consultation

Simas & Associates, Ltd., offers all prospective clients a free and confidential initial attorney consultation. This initial consultation provides our prospective client's opportunities to:

• Lay the foundation for their legal representation needs without the fear of admissions or disclosure of discoverable evidence.
• Ask our attorneys questions and receive unfettered legal advice and counsel.

Arrangements can be made to extend consultation, for a fee, without hiring the law firm to actively represent the prospective client. This is part of our Advice and Consultation service. The price is negotiable and may be based upon an hourly rate or a Flat Fee Agreement basis. If so interested, please indicate during your consultation with the law firm and arrangements can be made.

Why does Simas & Associates provide a free consultation?

Simas & Associates, Ltd., offers all prospective clients a free and confidential initial consultation concerning their legal issues or problems or questions. These guidelines assist potential clients (and our team) to make the most of their initial consultation to make fully informed decisions regarding their legal matters.

Goals of Initial Consultation

During the initial call, our goals are to:

• Identify our potential client’s legal problems, deadlines, and goals.
• To achieve our firm’s mission – it is all about goals:

Simas & Associates, Ltd., is dedicated to safeguarding and protecting the rights of clients whose businesses are heavily regulated by the government. Guided by the ultimate needs of each client and the impact on their particular business, or professional circumstances, we work to achieve ethical, positive, and cost-effective solutions for our clients.

• To outline a path and plan to achieve our client’s goals of representation.
• To determine whether we have the experience and expertise to assist our potential client.
• To outline options, possible costs and outcomes, and possible remedies and solutions.

The consultation, including all communications with our team, is attorney-client privileged, and we understand this may be the first time our potential client has had an opportunity to speak to an attorney about their issues.

What We Need Prior to Your Initial Consultation

Documents - The first and most important thing we need for a successful initial consultation is documents. These can include a complaint, demand letter, audit notice, subpoena, investigation letter, and many others. The documents contain deadlines, statutes and code sections, and the most important information we need to review your matter.

Document review – Given the volume of consultations and their purpose, we are not equipped to review extensive contracts, discovery or records and provide opinions in an initial consultation. That would require us to be retained.

Potential Client Intake Form – Please complete the client intake form by clicking the button below prior to our initial consultation. This allows us to ensure there are no conflicts of interest and learn a bit more about your matter (which is privileged of course) to make the most of our initial consultation. Should you retain our firm, we will need further detailed information.

Steps After Your Initial Consultation

Initial consultations are scheduled for no longer than 30 minutes to accommodate both the busy schedules of our clients and team. Should the legal issue presented require more than that, we are happy to schedule subsequent consultations at our regular hourly rates.

Should you wish to retain Simas & Associates to represent you, and we are able to assist you, we will send you our Fee Agreement packet via DocuSign. Please complete this Fee Agreement, along with all associated forms, and your initial retainer payment. We will begin work on your matter as soon as all this information and retainer are received.

If we are unable to assist you in your case, the information provided will remain privileged and confidential.


Should you wish to schedule a potential consultation or have any questions, please contact our client services coordinator at Thank you!