On June 12, 2013, Steven L. Simas, founder and owner of Simas & Associates, Ltd., California’s leading administrative and health care law firm, presented “The Intersection of Criminal and Administrative Law” to the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association, Criminal Law Section. The presentation provided a general overview of administrative and professional licensing law, highlighting the complexities that arise when it crosses-over into criminal law matters. A powerpoint of the presentation is embedded below:
Kirk Endres, Chairman of the Criminal Law Section stated, “This is the largest turnout we have had in a long time,” referring to the great subject matter and speaker selection.
Mr. Simas also took a number of questions after his presentation. Questions primarily concerned the scope of what is considered “substantially related” to a particular profession. And, as most professional licensing law attorneys know, Mr. Simas answered, “pretty much everything is considered substantially related.” Mr. Simas also shared the more recent development of some agencies, boards, bureaus, and commissions compelling licensees to report – not only the conviction but even the arrest – and the short time frames for doing so.