Should Mandatory Peer Review Reporting Apply to Physician Assistants?

Recently, three U.S. Senators have asked federal health officials to review the way state medical boards regulate our nation’s physicians. This request was prompted by recent reports from a citizen’s watchdog group and three newspapers, including the Star Tribune, that “highlighted disturbing failures of state medical boards to discipline physicians,” Read more…

Strategy for Handling California Veterinary Medical Board Investigations

California Veterinary Medical Board Investigation Process The California Veterinary Medical Board (“Board”) receives from 500 to 600 consumer complaints per year. While many of these complaints do not necessarily constitute violations of the Veterinary Practice Act, the Board aggressively investigates complaints, including against the clients of Simas & Associates, Ltd. Read more…

Challenging Agency Regulations through Defects in the Rule-making Process

California law requires administrative agencies to comply with the California Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) (Government Code §§ 11340, et seq.) when adopting regulations.  A regulation that does not go through this process is called an “underground regulation” and is subject to legal challenge in the courts.  Further, a regulation that makes it through this process, but results from some deficiency in the process may also be invalid and subject to challenge in court.