Time Clock Rounding

Time clock rounding is legal under federal and California law. Time clock rounding is the practice of adjusting raw employee punch-in and punch-out times to a standardized, nearest time increment. It is typically justified as a way to simplify payroll calculations or to provide a minimal amount of time warranted for completing recognizable Read more…

Protections for Transgender Employees in Workplace

Transgender people are employed in every industry and profession throughout the country, and deserve a safe and inclusive workplace. Transgender coworkers do not expect any special treatment. They simply want to be respected. Although employment discrimination based on gender identity is illegal almost everywhere, many transgender people still face harassment and unfair treatment on the job. Helping to ensure that Read more…

Terrifying Tale of a Board Investigation

As one of California’s leading law firms representing licensed professionals and healthcare professionals throughout the State, Simas & Associates, Ltd. has and does represent physicians, accountants, contractors, veterinarians, and many other licensed professionals in hundreds of investigations throughout our many years of practice. Because this issue arises frequently, this blog is Read more…