Skelly Hearing Services

Since 2002, Simas & Associates has been a leader in the field of offering services and expertise regarding Skelly hearings. Since the California Supreme Court decided Skelly v. State Personnel Board, (1975) 15 Cal.3d 194, public sector and civil service employees have had the right to a pre-deprivation hearing before suffering employment discipline.

Group discussion at conference table

Simas & Associates provides cities, counties, local and state agencies, districts, universities and colleges, law enforcement, managers, and employees with legal support regarding the administration, preparation and training, and conduct of Skelly hearings. Additionally, our firm offers the following services:

Skelly Hearing Legal Advice and Representation for Employees

Simas & Associates offers three different levels of representation for employees who are facing the uncertainty of a Skelly hearing. As the first opportunity for the employer and employee to engage in a dialogue regarding the proposed disciplinary action, our goal is to maximize the chances of resolution when possible and understanding the employer’s position.

We offer the following packages:


Legal Advice Package

This is our most cost-effective flat-fee solution. We consult with our clients regarding the Skelly process and provide a template and toolkit for the employee to submit on their own appeal, legal brief and request for discovery.


Skelly Representation

In this solution, we represent our clients at the Skelly hearing, and draft and prepare a notice of legal representation, our Skelly Brief arguing the case, and discuss discovery and settlement with the employing agency. This package offers significantly discounted hourly rates.


Employment Representation

This solution includes the Skelly Representation Package, and legal representation beyond the Skelly Hearing in the case of grievances, appeals, and legal advice regarding employment. It does not include filing any claims or litigation which is a separate matter.

Skelly Hearing Chart
Legal Representation Packages - Click to enlarge

Skelly Officer Services For Agencies

Throughout the years, in addition to training Skelly officers, Simas & Associates has been hired as an outside Skelly officer to preside over Skelly hearings, including for local government, districts, police departments, and state agencies.

For agencies that have a conflict of interest or are unable to timely provide a Skelly Officer to hear a case, Simas & Associates can help! We can review the files and disciplinary action, conduct the Skelly meeting or hearing live or via video conference, and draft a thorough and reasoned Skelly decision, either upholding or modifying the proposed disciplinary action. Not only is this process legally required, but it can lead to settlement, resolution of the case, and prepares the parties for any subsequent hearing process, when appropriate.

Our team recently served as a Skelly Officer for a large California City’s police department in a case involving the discipline of three officers alleged to have used excessive force in a canine bite apprehending a suspect.

We reviewed over 4,000 pages of reports, investigations, and other documents, conducted the Skelly hearing over the course of a day, and drafted three Skelly decisions for the department and the three officers.

Please call us at 888.999.0008 or email for further information on having us serve as your Skelly officer and our competitive government agency rates.

Skelly Officer Training For Agencies

An agency has an obligation to provide a fair and impartial Skelly review to comply with the law. This includes having a presiding officer familiar with their obligations and role as a Skelly officer, including document reviewing, conducting the hearing, and drafting the findings and decision. 

Simas & Associates can provide in-person or web-based Skelly Officer training for public agency human resources staff, department heads, and other directors who serve as potential Skelly officers in public employee discipline matters.

Please call us at 888.999.0008 or email for further information on having us serve as your Skelly officer and our competitive government agency rates.

If your public agency is facing the need to conduct Skelly hearings or has a conflict of interest that prevents your teammates from serving as an objective and unbiased Skelly officer, please call Simas & Associates for assistance.

If you are an employee facing disciplinary action and the unfamiliarities of the Skelly hearing process, please contact us for a free initial consultation to discuss our packages and how we may assist you. Or, complete the potential client intake form below.