Steven L. Simas Recognized by SCBA Administrative Law Section

Earlier this year, the Sacramento County Bar Association Administrative Law section elected a new slate of officers, in Jon-Paul Valcarenghi, Justin D. Hein, and Adam Richards. Its first official act was to recognize the years of service and dedication by the previous section chairperson, Steven L. Simas.
SCBA Administrative Law Section
Mr. Simas first served as chairperson of the Administrative Law section in 2005, reelected in 2006. He continued to serve as an officer until he vaulted back to the chairperson in 2014. In his time as an Administrative Law section officer, he oversaw substantial growth in the section and helped bridge the natural adversarial gap between public and private practitioners, having served in both the public and private sector during his professional career. Some of his contributions include the formation of an exploratory committee on legal specialization for the practice of administrative law and several memorable events and speakers, highlighted by having all of the Sacramento County Superior Court writ department judges participate in a panel Q&A for the section.

Vice Chairperson Hein awarding former Chairperson Simas

Vice Chairperson Hein awarding former Chairperson Simas.

On August 6, 2015, Mr. Simas was taken out to lunch and given a plaque as a small token of appreciation. The plaque reads:

Steven L. Simas, Esq.
Thank you for your years of service and dedication to the
Administrative Law Section of the Sacramento County Bar Association


Congratulations, Steve. Thank you for your passion and dedication. The Administrative Law section looks forward to many more years of your contributions as a member.